Pokemon Sun and Moon ROM: Is It Safe To Download And Legal To Install In Your Area?

If you’re a fan of the Pokemon franchise, you’ve likely heard of Pokemon Sun and Moon ROM.

These games were released in 2016 for the Nintendo 3DS and quickly became fan favorites.

But what if you don’t have a 3DS and still want to experience the game?

That’s where the Pokemon Sun and Moon ROM comes in.

A ROM is a digital copy of a game that can be played on a computer or other device through an emulator.

With the Pokemon Sun and Moon ROM, you can experience the game on your PC, Mac, or even your Android device.

And the best part?

You don’t need to purchase a 3DS to play it.

Downloading And Installing The Rom

If you want to play Pokemon Sun and Moon on your device, you will need to download and install the ROM.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • First, you need to download a reliable and bug-free emulator.
  • Citra is one of the best emulators for playing Pokemon Sun and Moon.
  • Once you have downloaded the emulator, you need to extract the downloaded .7z file to a location, such as your Desktop.
  • Next, you need to download the Pokemon Sun and Moon rom.
  • Make sure to download the rom from a reputable website.
  • After downloading the rom, you need to open Citra and click on the “File” menu.
  • Then, select “Load File” and browse to the location where you saved the rom.
  • Once you have loaded the rom, you can start playing Pokemon Sun and Moon on your device.

It’s important to note that downloading roms is illegal in some countries.

Make sure to check your local laws before downloading and using roms.

Additionally, downloading roms from untrusted sources can be risky, as they may contain malware or other harmful software.

Always use caution when downloading roms and make sure to use antivirus software to protect your device.

Features Of Pokemon Sun And Moon Rom

If you are a fan of the Pokemon series, then you will love Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom.

This game has many new features that make it stand out from the previous games in the series.

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In this section, we will discuss some of the exciting features of Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom.

New Pokemon

One of the most significant features of Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom is the addition of new Pokemon.

There are over 80 new Pokemon that you can catch and train in this game.

These Pokemon are unique to the Alola region and have different abilities and moves.

Alola Region

Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom takes place in the Alola region, a tropical paradise with four unique islands.

Each island has its own culture and climate, making it a diverse and exciting place to explore.

You will encounter new Pokemon, trainers, and challenges as you explore the Alola region.


Z-Moves are powerful moves that your Pokemon can use in battle.

These moves are unique to each Pokemon and can only be used once per battle.

Z-Moves can turn the tide of a battle and give you an advantage over your opponent.

Battle Royal Mode

Battle Royal Mode is a new feature in Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom that allows you to battle against three other trainers at once.

This mode adds a new level of strategy to battles, as you must decide which opponents to target and which to avoid.

In conclusion, Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom is an excellent addition to the Pokemon series.

With new Pokemon, the Alola region, Z-Moves, and Battle Royal Mode, there is no shortage of exciting features to explore.

Whether you are a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer, Pokemon Sun and Moon Rom is definitely worth checking out.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re having trouble with your Pokemon Sun and Moon ROM, don’t worry!

Here are some common issues and how to fix them.

Installation Problems

Problem: The ROM Won’t Load.

If your ROM won’t load, make sure you have the correct version of the emulator.

Also, check if your computer meets the minimum requirements for the emulator.

You may also want to try redumping your game.

Please refer to our Game Dumping Guides: Dumping Game Cartridges. Dumping Installed Titles.

Problem: The Emulator Crashes When I Try To Load The ROM.

If the emulator crashes when you try to load the ROM, make sure you have the latest version of the emulator.

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You may also want to try running the emulator as an administrator.

Gameplay Glitches

Problem: The Character Moves Slowly Or Doesn’t Move At All.

If your character moves slowly or doesn’t move at all, try adjusting the Circle Pad Scaling in the emulator settings.

You may also want to check if you’re using the correct API.

Problem: The Game Freezes During Battles.

If the game freezes during battles, make sure you have the latest version of the emulator.

You may also want to try disabling any cheats or hacks that you’re using.

Problem: The Game Crashes When I Try To Use A Certain Move.

If the game crashes when you try to use a certain move, it could be a problem with the ROM itself.

Try redumping your game and see if that fixes the issue.

Problem: The Game Is Too Difficult/easy.

If you find the game too difficult or too easy, you may want to try using cheats or hacks to adjust the difficulty level.

However, be aware that using cheats or hacks can cause glitches or crashes in the game.

Remember, if you’re still having trouble with your Pokemon Sun and Moon ROM, there are many online forums and communities where you can ask for help.

Key Takeaways

If you’re a fan of the Pokemon franchise, you’ve likely heard of Pokemon Sun and Moon.

These games were released in November 2016 and quickly became fan favorites for their engaging storylines, new Pokemon, and unique Alola region setting.

One way to experience these games is by using a ROM, which is a digital copy of the game that can be played on a computer or other device.

However, it’s important to note that downloading ROMs can be illegal and may come with risks like viruses or malware.

If you do choose to use a ROM, there are a few options available.

You can download a ROM for either the 3DS or GBA system, and there are also mods available like Nova Sun and Umbra Moon that offer a more challenging gameplay experience.

It’s also worth noting that there are tools available like FunKeyCIA that can be used to decrypt the key needed to access the demo version of Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Overall, while using ROMs to play Pokemon Sun and Moon can be a fun way to experience the game, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and legal issues involved.




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