How-To Apps

Your source for the latest app news and guides, from Snapchat to TikTok to Instagram, we’ve got you covered

How-To Apps was founded in the summer of 2019 with the goal of providing thoroughly-researched, easy to understand, and informative answers to your app-related questions. We cover the latest app related news and tech in the industry.

As apps like TikTok ballooned in popularity in 2019 we covered popular trends and how-to guides. We’re always looking for the latest app that has come to the scene and love to teach you about the app and how to use it most effectively.

This website was created because we found a need and a lack of well-researched information around the web. Whenever we had a question that was app-related we felt that we were limited to forums or random people’s advice that didn’t seem to actually test or use the app at all. The use of apps, both in terms of total downloads and time spent on apps has been growing rapidly in the past decade, but in many ways, the journalism surrounding the general app category has been limited and under-represented. How-To Apps is meant to tackle that issue we faced many times.

Trevor, the founder of How-To Apps, has been in the tech space for many years, building communities around the latest technologies and apps. He has written hundreds of articles on app-related topics, which have been read tens of millions of times.
If we take a step back and look at what Snapchat is, it all starts with the camera. – Evan Spiegel

We aim that this site is your authoritative resource for answering app-related questions and providing simple and effective information to get you back doing what you love best. Less fluff, more substance. That’s our promise.

The How-To Apps Team

The How-To Apps team, while it may be small, is full of dedicated “app nerds” working hard to provide you the latest accurate information on the apps you love to use every day.

trevor nace Trevor, Founder of How-To Apps

Trevor is the founder of How-To Apps. He has been in the tech space and writing about tech for a number of years. He previously started and ran an app website and his articles on apps have been read millions of times around the globe.

alex bolanoAlex Bolano, Tech & App Writer

Alex Bolano is a tech writer based out of St. Louis. He holds a Masters from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis and regularly writes on topics relating to technology, science, and internet culture. He enjoys playing video games and researching the latest trends in science and technology. You can find him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Editorial Guidelines

Here at How-To Apps we strive to have the most accurate and well-tested information on apps anywhere in the web. Each article is reviewed multiple times by multiple people for factual and grammatical accuracy. We regularly use and test every app or game we write about and consider ourselves experts in using them. If you ever feel that we made a mistake on one of our articles we want to make it right, please contact us and we’ll fix it.

How-To Apps does not allow or accept paid links or paid posts, not only is this wrong but it violates the trust you put in us as a reader to be unbiased and hold ourselves to high journalistic ethics. We will never accept a guest post or payment for content in any way. All advertisements are conspicuously marked as they help us maintain this website’s hosting and writers. No editorial decision is ever based on financial incentives, they are solely based on what we think you, the reader, will find the most useful and interesting.

What Our Readers Say About How-To Apps

Our readers love How-To Apps, just read through a few of our happy reader’s comments below.

“This helps.. My friend kept saying this on Snapchat and I didn’t answer because I didn’t know what it meant, and it probably meant something EVERYONE knew so I’d be embarrassed. I also thought it meant something bad.. Am I the only one? Hehe, thanks for the article, it was very helpful! ?” – Sundaisy12, November 2019

“this is really helpful xD, I feel so good after reading this after I knew what these meant. thx and stay safe!!!! ?” – potatoesforever, May 2020
“Well I had many options to choose my new username and I stumbled onto this site and then I thought DEEP like literally, tons of choices” – Starbucks_Swift, April 2020

Interested In Connecting With Us?

Feel free to message us with any tips or suggestions on how to make How To Apps better! If there’s something you’d like us to cover that you can’t find on this site? Feel free to send us a message and we’ll add it to the queue.


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    Image © Flamingo Images /

    How-To Apps is one of the fastest growing app websites in the world. We cover app technology, how-to guides, internet culture, and app news regularly. Since our launch just 8 months ago we've grown to help over 100k people per month on their app related questions. Want to know more?